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Interactor and Collections

Posted on:March 23, 2017 at 03:28 PM

In this week, I watched this video named “Everything you ever wanted to know about Sequence & Collection” with Soroush Khanlou, in Skilled website. If you want to watch other great talks, this is a perfect website.

And I thought about this topic and small changes in your day-by-day in the development scene. I did a small exercise with this concepts and practice. My first exercise is a circular queue, an infinite queue.

class CircularQueue<T> : IteratorProtocol, RandomAccessCollection {
    typealias Element = T
    public typealias Index = Int
    public typealias Indices = CountableRange<Int>
        var position = 0
        let items : [T]
            self.items = items
        func next() -> T? {
            let item = items[position]
            position = ((position + 1) % items.count)
            return item
        public var startIndex: Int {
            return 0
        public var endIndex: Int {
            return items.count
        public func index(after i: Int) -> Int {
            _precondition(i == startIndex)
            return endIndex
        public func index(before i: Int) -> Int {
            _precondition(i == endIndex)
            return startIndex
        public subscript(position: Int) -> Element {
            get {
                let pos = (position % items.count)
                return items[pos]
            set {

In this sample, I create two strategies: First an interactor in a loop, where using function next to do this. Second, the developer pass an index and the calculate a correct position. Below has a sample using an UICollectionView to repeat the objects and the colors with the IndexPath Row.

import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport

class CircularQueue<T> : IteratorProtocol, RandomAccessCollection {
    typealias Element = T
    public typealias Index = Int
    public typealias Indices = CountableRange<Int>

        var position = 0
        let items : [T]

            self.items = items

        func next() -> T? {
            let item = items[position]
            position = ((position + 1) % items.count)
            return item

        public var startIndex: Int {
            return 0

        public var endIndex: Int {
            return items.count

        public func index(after i: Int) -> Int {
            _precondition(i == startIndex)
            return endIndex

        public func index(before i: Int) -> Int {
            _precondition(i == endIndex)
            return startIndex

        public subscript(position: Int) -> Element {
            get {
                let pos = (position % items.count)
                return items[pos]
            set {


    class CollectionViewController : UICollectionViewController {

        let arrColor : [UIColor] = [.green,.yellow,.blue,.purple,.orange]

        override func viewDidLoad() {
            self.collectionView?.backgroundColor = .white
            self.collectionView?.register(UICollectionViewCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: "PlayCell")

        override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
            return 10000

        override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
            let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "PlayCell", for: indexPath)
            let queue = CircularQueue(items: arrColor)
            cell.backgroundColor = queue[indexPath.row]
            return cell


    PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = CollectionViewController(collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewFlowLayout())

Another small sample

In many moments, you need a Random Acess in an Array. It’s very common this problem. And I create a small sample to this:

class RandomQueue<T> : IteratorProtocol {
    typealias Element = T

    var position = 0
    var positions : [Int] = []
    let items : [T]

        self.items = items

    func next() -> T? {
        guard positions.count != items.count else { return nil }
        return items[random()]

    fileprivate func random() -> Int {
        var ranNumber : Int = 0
        repeat {
            ranNumber = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(items.count)))
        } while (positions.contains(ranNumber))
        return ranNumber

Yes, this sample it’s very simple and fools, but the idea is to show what you can to do with this knowledge about Collections and Sequence.

Watch this talk and try!